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  • Can you put stage 4 skin cancer in remission with supplements? Yes, you can

Can you put stage 4 skin cancer in remission with supplements? Yes, you can

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Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I am possible”- Audrey Hepburn

Hello Zuncia Family,

I’m finding these wonderful and amazing research articles that I want to share with you all. Now I start believing that lifestyle and nutrition along with support from supplements can do wonders if done properly.

Today’s post is about how IP6 (Inositol Hexaphosphate) plus inositol put a person’s stage 4 melanoma cancer in complete remission. Complete remission even after 3 years.

What is Melanoma?

According to Mayo Clinic, Melanoma is a type of skin cancer. It starts in melanocytes, the cells that make melanin pigment that gives the skin its colour. And these melanoma skin cells goes to deeper skin layers and that’s why it’s dangerous kind of cancer.

However a case reports published in journal Melanoma Research (2019) from Mayo Clinic, showed how a 59 years old male with a past medical history of depression, hypertension and migraines with a 5 year old mole turned cancerous. The case was presented in 2012. However his case progressed to Stage 4 and only in 2015, he declined the therapies and started the vitamin protocol. He opted for over the counter vitamin combination IP6 + inositol (800 mg / 220 mg) with 5 tablets in the morning and 5 in the evening daily. After 6 months of vitamins, he showed significant improvement in his restaging scans and subsequent CT scans.

The patient went into complete clinical and radiological remission after being on the vitamin combination for 2 years. Even after 3 years, the patient remains in complete remission and continues to take IP6 + inositol daily.”

What is IP6?

It’s full form is Inositol Hexaphosphate and also called phytic acid. It is a polyphosphocarboxylated carbohydrate, naturally occurring in cereals, nuts, grains and high fibre containing foods. However it’s not available in high content in foods, but it has been shown to have amazing immune boosting effects with extra IP6 support.

There are other studies which has shown to inhibit the growth of many different type of cells like colon, pancreas, liver, prostate, breast cancer, both in vitro and in vivo. Vitamin B inositol is precursor of IP6 and other naturally occurring compound with anti-cancer properties.

In this particular study, patient declined traditional therapy and opted to try over the counter supplement IP6+ inositol. Doctors were surprised to see the patient complete remission and remains in remission 3 years later.

Most common dosage is 3-4 gram per day, however people consume up to 10-12 grams/ day in anxiety and depression.

You should know that recommended dosage of vitamins is for management of body functions while high doses needed for therapeutic use.

When we do experiment, we optimise the concentration/doses for a specific person, so always start small and then gradually increase depending upon your body’s requirements.

Stay tuned for next post where we’ll share more research on Breast cancer and other cancers.

Today’s Mantra: I am Happy and Healthy.

With much love,


Founder, zuncia.com

Disclaimer: The information published on The Zuncia newsletter is for educational purpose only and not medical advice at all. We are sharing the research data to educate people. If you have concern, please talk to your doctor or healthcare provider.


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